It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do. Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


I remember our memory, my miracle, so tender,
The time we cherished in colourful splendour. Oh how I remember.
My sadness and struggles slipped away then and forever.
Touched by the spirits that sang to the flowers,
The beginning of spring and soft sunny weather,
We gazed upon for hours and hours.

Many years have gone since that special time.
And every year in Spring when the sun begins to shine,
I remember our memory, our miracle, so tender. The time we cherished in colourful splendour. Oh how I remember!

Covid. Todays fears and hopes for tomorrow

Our hearts are weeping, we cry big tears.
All of us so burdened with fears,
Fears of choking, fears of dying, my
fellow South Africans- I am crying!

I cry for the poor who have no work,
every where I can see the homeless lurk,

Peering into my car window as I
drive along, Skin and bones, shattered
faces sing the same song,

‘Please some money, I need some food –
such desperation not wanting to be rude!
So many sick and struggling with this
second wave

Why can’t our people just behave?

Stricter Curfews, alcohol now being
banned, Oh where, oh where ,will our
restaurants find their rands?

My wondrous Table Mountain has an
ominous cloud above,
Its saying, “What is happening to the Cape I love”?

No happy families on our magnificent
beaches. I have to say we are unhappy

Our nurses and doctors so brave, each one going that
extra mile, trying to smile.
In their eyes you can see them giving hope,
encouraging strength, even though they struggle to cope.

It is proven that terror and fear is no good for our immunity
Let’s decide to be strong and focus on an attitude of impunity.
Close your eyes and dream for a better 2021,
Can you see a strong golden sun?
Our people will have more jobs and starvation will
be on the run .

Our beaches will be full of every colour and hue,
Our children will be diving In the deep deep blue.
How happy we will be together, me and you.

The sun kissed faces of each little one,
I can hear their laughter and sense their fun.
Our majestic Table mountain will have no ominous
gone will be death’s dark shroud.
For our entire population will have had the
miraculous vaccination.

We will love and appreciate one another more than
Caring and loving will be our main endeavour. Yes,
we will count our blessings every day,

For the dreaded virus will have gone away!!!!!

Tribute to those who have passed on

If we listen deeply, we will hear our angels
whispering softly from above,
They will be sending their joy and love.
We will never forget their strength, and dedication.
The brave manner in which they sacrificed for our nation.

For special loved ones that we’ve lost and will never
be able to replace,
We will always remember your precious faces.

In our hearts you will live on forever,
every special memory we will always treasure. Rest
in peace

Covid Fears – for today and tomorrow – as read by Janine Downing

My Brave and beautiful girl of Ukraine!

A Brave, beautiful girl had a plan she unfurled
She wished to send a message to the world. She stood at this sorrowful scene of devastation,
A place of learning and higher education!
This was her school once so safe and secure, the sight of it now too hard to endure!

She asked a friend to take a photograph
to show she she was not happy, she could not laugh.
The graduation ceremony would no longer take place
Her beautiful red dress of silk and lace, will she wear it in another time and place.?
The school is shattered, as if it’s heart has been broken,
Yes wicked satan has certainly spoken.
The evil hand of Putin cares not for the elderly, children and young people,
No where is shielded , not even a church with the highest steeple.

The beautiful girl couldn’t graduate and express her joy and dance,
But In her sorrow she cannot look askance,
She may be able able to wear her dress again, but what of all the lives that are lost and the horror and pain?

Her wonderland once abundant with happiness, sunflowers and grain, The beautiful girl weeps, and pleads and prays for her beloved country Ukraine!