Janine Downing's Bess

the flower seller

91cm x 77cm

Janine Downing's Bess

autumn splendour

71cm x 88cm

Janine Downing's Bess

nature’s beauty

85cm x 80cm


Janine Downing's Bess

we love summer 1

51cm x 76cm

Janine Downing's Bess

we love summer 2

61cm x 76cm

Janine Downing's Bess

this must be love

102cm x 76cm


Janine Downing's Bess

memories – the centre of the universe

56cm x 91cm

I am in the midst of compiling a series called Memories. This painting depicts a memory of when my husband and I first met and had a picnic amongst the spring flowers. I have written a poem to go with it. This painting brings out the essence that joy and beauty is possible and people do fall in love.

Love is the sublime miracle.

Janine Downing's Bess

memories – honouring Chagall and Renoir

71cm x 88cm

This  painting is meant to depict my memories of  Paris. The man with the balloons and the lady with the hat are meant to be a young version of my husband and myself. We remember the wonders and magic of Paris and wonderful French artists such as Chagall and Renoir. The two couples in the foreground are small copies of  Renoir paintings  and the couple floating across the Moulin Rouge are, of course, Chagall. 

Janine Downing's Bess

memories – israel

102cm x 76cm

My third painting in my memory series. Barry and I in Israel 4years ago, celebrating my grandson Nathans barmitzvah Nothing like painting my memories and rekindling such happy times!

Janine Downing's Bess

missing you

51cm x 61cm

In the last two years I haven’t been able to visit my grandchildren in Canada. I miss them so much and thus I created this imaginary painting of them in a park in Niagara on the lake, sitting under the Magnolia tree with their beautiful dog, Leo. So many parents during this time have been separated from their families who live overseas. I hope this painting resonates with them and that they can feel the beauty and poignance of the painting.

Janine Downing's Quirky Lady

memories – imagined

102cm x 76cm

I painted an imaginary pic of my granddaughter Izzy in Kirstenbosch I am always writing to her about Kirstenbosch .So I thought I would paint this image. I haven’t seen her for over three years so this is how I imagine her

Beautiful Faces

Janine Downing's Bess

gabi from another time

Gabi dressed up in vintage clothing making her look 1920’s.


Janine Downing's Bess

looking out to the future

56cm x 91cm

A friend’s daughter recently engaged to be married and travelling far away from South Africa. Looking out of the window and seeing a wonderful future ahead!


Janine Downing's Bess

kaleidoscope girl

51cm x 61cm

This painting was very free and colourful depicting the beauty and energy and colourful personality of my model.

Janine Downing's Quirky Lady

lady sunshine

76cm x 101cm

I was having lunch out with a friend in a busy, vibey restaurant. This beautiful young woman walked into the restaurant with a group of exuberant young people. My friend and I couldn’t help noticing her. She exuded such beauty, enthusiasm and joy for life. I hope I managed to capture her inner radiance.

Janine Downing's Quirky Lady

mystical lady

56cm x 72cm

I loved the model’s face, so wanted to paint her and give her a different look. The bird symbolises for me her ability to reach for the clouds.

Purple Princess by Janine Downing

purple princess

56cm x 70cm

My model for this painting is such a unique beautiful woman. I wanted to convey in this painting that a woman can be anything she chooses to be. Confidence and courage can help her to rise to great heights. I chose her headdress to symbolise a crown. Indicative of royalty of the spirit.

Janine Downing's The Colour Purple

the colour purple

The Colour Purple was inspired by the book, written in the 1960’s by Alice Walker. An African American girl faces unspeakable abuse and racism. She triumphs over it all. I hope my painting captures her joy and triumph.

Janine Downing's Phenomenal Woman

phenomenal woman

46cm x 60cm

Phenomenal Woman was inspired by the African American poet Maya Angelou. She writes in this poem about how a woman should love and appreciate and value herself. This painting is trying to convey the beauty, pride and strength this lady holds within.

Janine Downing's Bess

sunshine girl

36cm x 46cm

Elegance & Fashion

Janine Downing's Bess


61cm x 75cm

Bess was my Aunt, and like me loved fashion. She was very stylish and loved high heels and glamorous outfits which she wore with aplomb. This model with a slight Marilyn Monroe quirk reminded me so much of my Aunt and the fashion of her times. It was painted with love and memories of a unique lady.


Janine Downing's Bess


51cm x 76cm

My love of fashion inspired me to paint this elegant lady. She reminds me so much of a Parisian lady, of the sixties, adoring her little dog.

Janine Downing's Bess

i love my red hat

61cm x 51cm

I love my red hat. My love of hats and fashion make their appearance in this painting. I feel the red hat gives my Lady an element of Drama. It wasn’t meant to be Monroe, although she definitely has the look.

Janine Downing's Bess

Imagining I’m at my Graduation

61cm x 75cm

A brave and beautiful Ukrainian young girl stands in front of the ruins of her school. She couldn’t go to her long awaited graduation.

Read the full poem

Janine Downing's Bess

Imagining Paris in another time

This painting was inspired by the style of the well known Spanish artist Hurtado. I love his style. I placed these two figures in a park in Paris The one young lady face is my dear friends beautiful daughter.

Enjoying the Scene

Janine Downing's Bess

longing to be there

61cm x 46cm

This was painted during our first very strict lockdown at the end of March 2020. It expresses my longing to be out there again and the gratitude I would feel when it actually happened.

Janine Downing's Bess

feeling free

I had fun with this one. Feeling naughty, I allowed my image to feel the breeze and summery day bare chested. I hope she depicts the ultimate freedom of not caring about anyone’s opinion of her.


Janine Downing's Bess

so long, marianne

46cm x 61cm

This painting was a tribute to Leonard Cohen, one of our greatest musicians and poets of all time. The painting is meant to relate to his song (So Long, Marianne). This is how I saw his muse, Marianne when she was young, carrying his guitar walking into the morning mists.

Janine Downing's Bess

i’m up in the clouds

61cm x 51cm

A whimsical painting of a young woman enjoying the poppy fields and the breeze and a lovely summer day. I painted this to remind me of the youth and beauty of our world. She imagines she is in the balloon up in the clouds. A happy girl, loving life! I hope my viewers feel the joy of this painting.


Janine Downing's Incognito


51cm x 76cm

Incognito. This was a lot of fun to paint! It was the first time I painted with a palette knife. I love hats and painting them. It’s a quirky painting. Showing off her body but hiding her face, allowing an air of mischief and mystery! Reminding us that we all have a mystery and an individualism about us. We should exploit it!


Janine Downing's Bess

Sabina 1

Sabina is a make-up artist and she changed her face by using her skills. I love the way she portrays them both as sad clowns.


Janine Downing's Bess

Sabina 2

Sabina is a make-up artist and she changed her face by using her skills. I love the way she portrays them both as sad clowns.


Janine Downing's Bess

uglow 1

I painted this image and a second, originally painted by Eon Uglow – a wonderful British artist!

Janine Downing's Bess

uglow 2

I painted this image and a second, originally painted by Eon Uglow – a wonderful British artist!


Janine Downing's Bess

moonlight serenade

48cm x 48cm

I love Cape Town and it’s people. Lions head always inspired me. So many people of the Cape have a love of dance and song. The painting is meant to convey the rhythm and beauty of the Cape and its people.

Janine Downing's Bess


65cm x 80cm

TEnchanted and Enchanting, two dancers in an autumn forest. Both of my paintings was part of exhibition held at the Cape Town Convention Centre.

Janine Downing's Bess


80cm x 65cm

TEnchanted and Enchanting, two dancers in an autumn forest. Both of my paintings was part of exhibition held at the Cape Town Convention Centre.


Janine Downing's Bess


45cm x 60cm


Janine Downing's Bess

learning to trust

41cm x 51cm

Trust is the essence of good relationships. I was touched by cousin’s grandson and his little girlfriend walking to school. I loved the way she places her hand in his. He is so protective of her. It made me think that developing trust begins at a very early age and is an important, positive aspect for development. I tried to give the painting an impressionistic feel.


Janine Downing's My Girl Lollypop

my girl lollipop

51cm x 51cm

My Lollipop Girl was inspired by the movie (E lollipop). A movie shown during the 1960’s, an era of racism both in South Africa and the United States of America. The movie tells about two friends, one white and one black, and how difficult that type of friendship was back then. I wanted to depict the joy and freedom this little girl feels in South Africa today.

Janine Downing's Bess


My grandson Nathan. A memory of Nathan taken in Israel during the time of his bar mitzvah.


Janine Downing's Puppy Love

puppy love

My granddaughter finally received this wonderful labradoodle puppy after counting the days for him to arrive. This is the first picture of them bonding together.


Landscapes & Flowers

Janine Downing's Incognito

the lonely tree

122cm x 89cm

I was driving in the Overberg area when I saw this tree absolutely alone against this vast landscape. I felt compelled to paint it as it evoked an analogy of man’s loneliness as compared to the loneliness of the tree.

Janine Downing's Bess


The beauty of Autumn in nature and also the wonderful season of autumn in our lives as we age.


Janine Downing's Bess

special place in my heart

101cm x 75cm

A Franschhoek house and the flower garden. A memory of days spent in this wonderful valley and how the scene nourishes the soul.

Janine Downing's Bess

in honour of yvonne

41cm x 41cm

My late mother in law, Yvonne, bought me an exquisite hibiscus which continually displayed crimson flowers. She was as beautiful and gracious as this hibiscus.

Janine Downing's Bess

a gift

61cm x 31cm

This little pot of Orchids that was given to me by a dear friend.

Janine Downing's Bess

french iris

61cm x 36cm

The painting is of French Irises was one of my first paintings. I painted it at a workshop in Boussac, France. My husband had given me the trip to France and paid for my workshop as well. This was a gift for a special birthday and that is also why I included the turquoise ribbon, which envelopes a special parcel.

Janine Downing's Bess


76cm x 51cm

This symbolises being alone and the peace and tranquillity of the spirit.